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Design System

The base design system primitives are available at packages/app/design.

You have 5 categories available. Each with one or more components within which you will use to build your UI.

  • image.tsx
  • layout.tsx
  • pressable.tsx
  • svg.tsx
  • typography.tsx
  • view.tsx


You can build on top of current primitives. All components are written using the Nativewind styled() higher-order component.

Pickup one of the categories to extend or create a new one. You can start building new UI primitives like so:

// packages/app/design/typography
import { Text } from 'react-native'
import { styled } from 'nativewind'

export const DarkText = styled(Text, 'text-base text-black my-4')

Notice that you can set base styles using the second argument of styled.

You can then use the className prop, just like regular Tailwind CSS:

<DarkText className="px-10"></Darktext>

If you're reading the NativeWind docs, you might find that you can use className directly without using styled. Since this requires the Babel plugin for all platforms, it won't work with Universal Muedusa and the Solito structure its build on top. Be sure to always wrap your components with styled.